Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wedding: Josh and Michelle

Well well. After severe neglect of this blog, I am thrilled to post a few shots from Josh and Michelle's beautiful July wedding. The days leading up to the day had us a little worried with the temperatures being in the triple digits, but the weather could not have been more lovely. Everything was just stunning, from the bride, to the flowers, to the locations, and we had an all around fabulous day!

All the best,

Friday, January 27, 2012

Wedding: Dan and Laura

Winter weddings. Cold, but oh, so beautiful. Both Laura and I were a little worried when, a week before the wedding there was no snow to be seen. Unheard of for Wisconsin! However, as you can see we were blessed with quite a bit just days before. It was such a joy for Ian and I to work with this couple. Need I say, I love this work? Didn't think so. All the best,


Saturday, December 10, 2011


Being a photographer, you end up shooting your family. A lot. What you don't realize is how you shoot them. It's usually a "oh, you need a picture for this program or this poster, ect" and we shoot it in under 20 minutes. My sister has been begging me to do a "real" shoot with her, and so, for her 13th birthday we went out and shot these. It was a "real" shoot where I actually put a good amount of time and thought in, and it was worth it. She was really happy with result, and so am I!

All the best, Maddison

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Christa-Senior Pictures

So excited I'm finally posting the Senior pictures I shot with Miss Christa. What a beautiful smile this girl has! We had a great time and even though the weather was a little chilly, she wanted to wear that dress! Beauty is pain, right?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Engagement - Dan and Laura

Shot with Dan and Laura near lake Michigan on a lovely fall day. We had a great time and I am looking forward to shooting a beautiful January wedding. Congratulations Dan and Laura!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stacey- Senior Pictures

Here's some shots from Stacey's senior picture session. I've known Stacey for forever, so doing her pictures was a blast, if a little strange...can't believe she's a senior already. Guess we're all growing up fast!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wedding - Tom and Becca

Our first wedding. Fantastic. It is quite possible that I was more excited and nervous then the bride or groom. I had been looking forward to this ever since I first got the job in December. The few days before the wedding were full of making checklists and getting lenses/cameras/chargers organized. Then, at last the wedding day was here. I was incredibly nervous, but like anything else I do, as soon as I got my camera out and started shooting, I felt great. Don't get me wrong, it was bit stressful and there were a few bumps along the way, but on the whole, it was a wonderful day. Can't wait to shoot another!

All the best, Maddison